När man har tråkigt


När man har tråkigt tar man fram en bok...
...och plötsligt har man inte tråkigt längre.

- What date is it today? he asks looking up over the single rose standing on the table between us.
- It's our date. I'm answering only trying to make a joke.
It was our date. Our twenty-first date to be exact. We were sitting on each side of the table in one of the more fancy restaurants in the city. I knew what he meant. He hadn't asked witch girl he was currently dating.
I had expected him to laugh, blush and try to regain his focus, but he didn't. He just smiled back. Looking like he had known I would answer like that.
- Yes, it is our date. he said calmly. If you only knew how right you are.
There was an untouchable glister in his eyes. I didn't know what it was. He blinked and it was gone. The smile was still there though.
- Today's date please? he says punching the paper with his pen.
- It's the nineth. How come you don't know that?
He wrote the date down.
- Month? he followed, ignoring my question.
- May. I said patiently waiting for the answer.
- Year?
- Now I know you are joking! You know what year it is!
His smile broke in to a short laugh and that little hint in his eyes were back. He yielded by lifting his hands
- All right.
He bent over the table and wrote down the year.
- Sorry, he mumbles down to the table.
- What are you doing anyway?
- Nothing much, waiting for the food.
He folded the note and picked out an envelope out of his pocket. He placed the paper in the envelope and closed. He didn't seal it. Then he reached it across the table.
- Here. This is for you.
He sort of looked like he made a joke that only he could understand.
I accepted the average sized envelope and looked at its both sides. There was nothing on it.
- Just open it.
He sounded a bit annoyed that I took so much time. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
- I already know what's in it.
- Do you?
- Yes, today's date.
For a half second his eyes reflected the light from a car out side. An ordinary event but it illuminated his mood. I suddenly realised his shoulders were tens and he was sort of leaned forward. His hands were on his laps so I couldn't see them, but If I had to guess - they were trembling. Then that half second was over and I no longer could see that little light in his eyes.
He looked rather reluctant to answer so I opened the envelope and locked down. Inside there was definitely a little note. But that wasn't what caught my eye. Beside the little folded paper was I little hint of gold. I eagerly turned the envelope upside down in my hand. And out fell, a golden ring. I picked it up and turned it around and around. A beautiful pattern was layed all around the ring. And inside, with his handwriting, was today's date and his name. The ring started looking uneven and I realized I was crying. Something touched my arm and I looked.
He was sitting just beside me on his knee. I knew it was him because the tears just over flooded my eyes, and for a few moments I could see clearly.
- Will you marry me? he asks smiling.
He had me fooled, the idiot, and now my makeup was ruined and he expects me to say yes?
- Yes of course I will!
I threw my self around his neck. The whole restaurant was applauding but I didn't hear.
- Thank you, he whispered in my ear. I was so scared you'd say no.

utdrag ur : By the time he got there.
av : Noela Winter


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