No, not really. Today I I'm just gonna dread Monday - the day before school starts. School has always been a problem for me. I never liked going, I didn't fit in. And I never really felt I've had any real friends.
That's not true however. I've always had friends. Some good some of poor choice, but still friends. Even though I knew some didn't really like me I just went on. I didn't see it. Pretend it's not there and it'll disappear.

I watched TV yesterday, "Stjärnorna på slottet", and they kind of talked about how a early/late puberty effected them. One said that It felt awkward being late because in the showers at school he(it was a he) was the only one without hair. You know downstairs.
I had the opposite problem - I was early, so early that I even was first in my class. My class took it kinda well though, because It took about two years before I heard anything. At lunch we had like an order in which we took turn in fetching food to our table. Me and a friend were sitting with some from a lower class, not friends really we'd been placed that way, and it was my turn so I got up too get some more food when I come back I notice a wierd look on everyone's faces. So I asked what was up, and my friend whispers to me that the younger guys had been discussing "who's got the biggest boobs" they actually used the words "boobs" which is an achievement for a fourth-grader. That's when I started to hate them, and the guys o'cause. I had disliked the guys before but now I purely hated them.
I don't talk a lot about that but I certainly think of it enough.

And back to school I go, reluctantly. Well, if I do fail there is always "Dramatens scenskola". Well that is all for now :) I'm gonna do something that doesn't make me think of school. Like take my brothers PC and play the Sims.

Jag har ganska länge nu haft lätt att gråta till filmer, men trailers? Now that's a new one.